Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 31- Rash

Rash!! The fastest in the team!! A new Battletoads game would be cool!!

This is the final day of the May character project!
Thank you everyone for taking a look! I hope you enjoyed the art! :D

Even though my project is over, the Yooka Laylee kickstarter wont end until June 16!!
Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 30- Pimple

Pimple! The strongest in the team! Battletoads in Battlemaniacs was my favorite in the series!
I hope you like my take on Pimple! Rash is next!! :D

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 29- Zitz

Zitz! The smart one in the team! The Battletoads games were tough, but so much fun!

3 final days for 3 Battletoads! Pimple is next! :D

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 28- Joanna Dark

Day 28- Joanna Dark! Top agent at Carrington Institute! Perfect Dark is a great game!
I went with her more recent design, I hope you like her! :D

This will be the only Perfect Dark post, the last 3 days will be characters from one final game!

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 27- Lupus

Lupus! Juno and Vela's loyal companion! He's an important member of the Gemini Squadron! :D
He has the ability to hover! I hope you like him!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 26- Vela

Vela! She's Juno's twin sister, she fights to keep peace in the galaxy! :D
Vela was also a playable character in Jet Force Gemini. She has the ability to breathe underwater!

I hope you like her! Next up will be Lupus! :D

Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 25- Juno

Juno! One of the main characters in Jet Force Gemini! Juno is a respected fighter in the Gemini Squadron :D
I hope you like my take on him! Vela is next! :D

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 24- Wizpig

Here's Wizpig! The main villain in Diddy Kong Racing! He threatened to destroy Timber's Island if Diddy and his friends were defeated in the evil pig's challenges!

I hope you like my take on Wizpig!

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 23- Drumstick

 Drumstick the Rooster! He challenged Wizpig, lost, and was transformed into a frog!
I hope you like my take on him! :D

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Warm up 5-22-15

Today's warm up sketch :)
I hope you like her!

Day 22- Pipsy

Day 22- Pipsy the Mouse! One of the fastest racers in Diddy Kong Racing!
I hope you like her! :D

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Friends

I had planned to save this for the final day of the May characters but I couldn't resist sharing :D

Here are new friends making new music! Banjo Kazooie was a very influential game for me and I think Yooka Laylee will be just as special :D

I hope you like them!

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter: 

Day 21- Krunch

Day 21- Krunch the Kremling! He's actually Diddy's friend in Diddy Kong Racing! :D
Slow acceleration and tough to handle but he has a fast top speed! I hope you like my take on him!

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

warm up 5-20-15

I'm trying to get back into sketching more often. Here are just random sketches for today :D

Day 20- Bumper

Bumper the Badger! The only racer with safety gear :D
He was only in the Diddy Kong Racing games, I hope you like him!

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 19- Tiptup

Here's Tiptup the Turtle! He's been in many of Rare's games! Banjo and Kazooie know him well :D

I hope you like my take on Tiptup!

Help support the Yooka Layle kickstarter here:

Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 18- Timber

Day 18- Timber the Tiger! Diddy Kong Racing was such a great game, I wish more kart racer style games had hub worlds :D

Diddy Kong Racing characters all week! I hope you like my take on Timber! :D

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 17- King K. Rool

Here's King K. Rool! The main villain in the Donkey Kong Country series! The boss battles were pretty tough but really creative! I think he would be great in Smash Bros!! :D

I hope you like my take on the King of the Kremlings! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 16- Dixie Kong

Here's Dixie Kong! Donkey Kong Country 2 was so awesome!! Dixie's special moves were great additions to the gameplay!
I hope you like my take on her!

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 15- Diddy Kong

Day 15- Here's Diddy Kong! DK's best friend and nephew! In Diddy's Kong Quest, he saves DK from the Kremling Krew with the help of Dixie Kong!
He's also the star of his own racing game :D

I hope you like my take on him! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 14- Donkey Kong

Day 14- Here's Donkey Kong! He's the leader of the bunch!! :D 

The Donkey Kong Country games were the best! DK64 was awesome! I hope you like my take on DK! :)
I wont be drawing all of the DK bunch, but I've tried to pick the main characters! (The kongs have a unique style, I hope I do them justice)

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 13- The Panther King

The Fabled Panther King! Over 300 years ago the great Milk Wars raged between the Weasel King and the oldest known race of squirrels, the Kulas of Conk. It is said the Panther King betrayed  the Kulas of Conk, banishing them to The Dark Place, and chopped off the legs of the Weasel King!!

I always liked his design, I hope you like my take on him! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 12- Birdy

Here's Birdy the scarecrow! Not Beardy, Birdy...he scares birdies :D

Birdy is great! He teaches Conker all about the context sensitive gameplay mechanic! I always enjoyed seeing what would happen by pressing B!
I hope you like my take on him! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Monday, May 11, 2015


Here's a sketch to celebrate Yooka-Laylee reaching the orchestral score stretch goal and the reveal of Trowzer!! :D

This isn't part of the May characters, just a sketch for fun! :D

There's another stretch goal if you'd like to help support:

Day 11- Berri

Day 11- Here's Berri the Chipmunk, Conker's loving girlfriend. 
I wonder how many lives chipmunks have in Conker's universe, Gregg the Grim Reaper would know...maybe she's still alive!!

I hope you like my take on Berri! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 10- Conker

Here's Conker! The greedy, heavy drinking, yet lovable squirrel! :D 

Conker's Bad Fur Day was the best! Great music, varied gameplay, and hilarious characters! I hope you like my take on Conker! :D

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 9- Mumbo

Day 9- Here's Mumbo Jumbo! "Best shaman in all game" :D

Transforming into different animals and things was so much fun in the Banjo Kazooie series!
I hope you like my take on this guy! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 8- Klungo

Day 8- Here's Klungo, Gruntilda's faithful minion! He's not too bright but very loyal. I always felt a bit sorry for him :P

I hope you like my take on Klungo! :D

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 7- Gruntilda

Day 7- Here's Gruntilda! The nasty witch that kidnaps Tooty, all to steal away her beauty! 
Her rhymes always made me laugh and her quiz show at the end of Banjo Kazooie is great! :D

I hope you like my take on the wicked rhyming witch! :D

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 6- Tooty

Here is Tooty, Banjo's little sister! She gets kidnapped by the jealous witch Gruntilda! Oh no!
Luckily, Banjo and Kazooie set out on their first adventure to rescue her! :D

I hope you like my take on Tooty :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 5- Bottles

Here's Bottles the shortsighted mole! He's the one who taught Banjo and Kazooie their signature moves :D
I wonder where he learned all those moves...

I hope you like him!

Help support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 4- Banjo Kazooie

I have lot's a great memories playing Banjo-Kazooie, it's a game I can come back to at anytime and still enjoy completely. 
It's kind of like walking around Disneyland, great characters all around, lot's of fun areas to revisit, familiar music and sounds haha it's just great! :D

We need more 3D platformers like Banjo Kazooie! Luckily, Yooka Laylee is here to save the day! :D 
Help support the Kickstarter here:

More Banjo-Kazooie characters on the way! I hope you like these two so far! :D

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 3- Burly Minion

Here's the burly minion! We haven't seen too much of this guy yet, but I imagine he will be much tougher to take down than Keith! :D
I hope you like him!

More daily characters on the way! :D

The Yooka Laylee Kisckstarter is a big success! 
If you'd like to support and help reach the stretch goals please visit:

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Shaman Girl

Just thought I'd share some art I've been working on for fun. It's been a while since I last drew a shaman tribal like character. 
I imagine she could fit easily in Leo's Forest :D Maybe she's a guardian?

I hope you like her!

Day 2- Keith the Minion

Day 2- Here is Keith the minion! Well ok, maybe his name isn't officially Keith...but with so many of these guys in Yooka Laylee, one of them is bound to be named Keith right? :D

I hope you like my take on this guy, I had fun drawing him! :D

Check out and support the Yooka Laylee Kickstarter here:

Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 1- Yooka Laylee

IT'S HAPPENING!!! The Yooka Laylee Kickstarter is here!!! :D :D :D

I had originally planned to post these guys at the end of the month, but Playtonic Games revealed Yooka and Laylee a day early, so I had a chance to finish the designs early too :D

If you'd like to help support Playtonic Games and help make Yooka Laylee even better, please visit the Kickstarter page and support as much as you can! Here's a link to the Kickstarter:

I can't wait to go on fun adventures and meet new characters with Yooka and Laylee! I hope you like my take on them :D

Look out for more daily characters throughout the month!! :D